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Introducing Topic Talk

We are happy to bring youTopic Talk, the CFS Financial Services newsletter. This newsletter replaces our quarterly newsletter and upgrades the existing product with colourful print as well as topical, informative and interesting articles.

Topic Talk #43

June 2024

This edition of Topic Talk reminds us that while we think we do the logical thing, we actually fall into behavioural norms.

Topic Talk #42

December 2023

This edition of Topic Talk reminds us that we’ve got be careful how we live our lives.

Topic Talk #41

June 2023

This edition of Topic Talk reminds us that life is all about the journey; the ending is the same for all of us.

Topic Talk #40

December 2022

This edition of Topic Talk reminds us of the cyclical nature of news; the ‘bad’ and the ‘interesting’.

Topic Talk #39

June 2022

This edition of Topic Talk reminds of some forgotten benefits of fasting as well as some very accurate observations of our behaviour.

Topic Talk #38

December 2021

This edition of Topic Talk attempts to provide a word of caution when listening to ‘experts’ as well as some Xmas humour.

Topic Talk #37

June 2021

This edition of Topic Talk brings to light some title known Olympic facts as well as confirms the basics for wealth creation.

Topic Talk #36

December 2020

This edition of Topic Talk provides some helpful ideas on looking at the lighter side of life during these troubled times.

Topic Talk #35

July 2020

This edition of Topic Talk provides some sage advice about investing from Warren Buffett.

Topic Talk #34

December 2019

This edition of Topic Talk provides some useful jokes for all occasions.

Topic Talk #33

June 2019

This edition of Topic Talk provides a personal perspective of a cancer/trauma claim.

Topic Talk #32

December 2018

This edition of Topic Talk suggests that by filtering the media noise you’ll live a stress free life.

Topic Talk #31

June 2018

This edition of Topic Talk asks why we need private health insurance as well as make observations about our changing world.

Topic Talk #30

December 2017

This edition of Topic Talk asks why we talk about retirement plus why we assume negative criticism works better than positive.

Topic Talk #29

June 2017

This edition of Topic Talk brings some light relief and a different view of school hours solving traffic woes.

Topic Talk #28

December 2016

This edition of Topic Talk brings some Christmas cheer.

Topic Talk #27

June 2016

This edition of Topic Talk brings some entertaining Olympic stories.

Topic Talk #26

December 2015

This edition of Topic Talk asks ‘Why we believe bogus research?’

Topic Talk #25

September 2015

This edition of Topic Talk brings some levity to the TPP effect on Dairy.

Topic Talk #24

April 2015

This edition of Topic Talk asks the question ‘What is our business?’.

Topic Talk #23

December 2014

This edition of Topic Talk brings Christmas greetings from the team at CFS.

Topic Talk #22

April 2014

This edition of Topic Talk takes a look at some issues in an election year.

Topic Talk #21

December 2013

This edition of Topic Talk delivers some Chistmas cheer from the team.

Topic Talk #20

September 2013

This edition of Topic Talk talks about the housing bubble in Auckland?

Topic Talk #19

May 2013

This edition of Topic Talk looks at the law of unintended consequences.

Topic Talk #18

December 2012

This edition of Topic Talk delivers some Chistmas cheer from the team.

Topic Talk #17

August 2012

This edition of Topic Talk takes a light hearted look at past Olympics.

Topic Talk #16

April 2012

This edition of Topic Talk examines health insurance and escalating premiums.

Topic Talk #15

December 2011

This edition of Topic Talk has light comic relief with Olympic predictions.

Topic Talk #14

August 2011

This edition of Topic Talk discusses an American perspective on savings.

Topic Talk #13

May 2011

This edition of Topic Talk introduces the new logo and ACC cover.

Topic Talk #12

December 2010

This edition of Topic Talk has Xmas Greetings from the team.

Topic Talk #11

August 2010

This edition of Topic Talk talks about economists and back to the future?

Topic Talk #10

April 2010

This edition of Topic Talk talks about making changes and time for review?

Topic Talk #9

December 2009

This edition of Topic Talk talks about omens of an economic recovery?

Topic Talk #8

September 2009

This edition of Topic Talk talks why have a mortage broker and do I need personal insurance in tight financial conditions?

Topic Talk #7

April 2009

This edition of Topic Talk talks on “peak oil” with a light hearted opinion on farming.

Topic Talk #6

December 2008

This edition of Topic Talk talks about reflections and predictions from 2008.

Topic Talk #5

August 2008

This edition of Topic Talk talks about our assessment of the recent mortgage and property fund freezes.

Topic Talk #4

April 2008

This edition of Topic Talk talks about Market Fluctuations and what to do, 2008 predictions and more.

Topic Talk #3

December 2007

Our Christmas edition of Topic Talk explains Portfolio Investment Entity (PIE) and contains our regular update “On a General Note”.

Topic Talk #2

August 2007

In the second edition of Topic Talk we have an update on KiwiSaver, an important article “The Missing Business Insurance” and our regular update “On a General Note”.

Topic Talk #1

April 2007

In our first issue of Topic Talk we discuss KiwiSaver, The Cancer Drug Debate, Superannuation and Tax Changes as well as our “On a General Note” article.


Please feel free to give us a call or send us a message with any queries you may have.